DE for People
Our Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth is safe for all human uses, including using it as a detox or cleanse from parasites and heavy metals. Another impressive benefit is using our DE regularly can help to strengthen artery walls (because of the high content of amorphous silica) and in turn, lowering cholesterol levels. Similarly, DE has also been gaining popularity to increase finger nail and toe nail density, as well as fuller shinier hair.
A very common deficit in a person's diet in our culture is silica. When you use our Food Grade DE, it is a safe and natural way to re-introduce silica into your body and diet.** There are many amazing uses for Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth, and there are several ways to improve your personal health with our high quality and safe brand of DE. We have sourced our DE very carefully, and are happy to inform our customers that we carry DE with the lowest levels of crystalline silica on a consumer level. Our level of crystalline silica is less than 0.1% (<0.1%) in any given sample.
~ One further recommendation we like to make is to add a Magnesium supplement to your diet if you are using our Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth in your diet for an extended period of time (3 months consecutively or more). Elemental Silica (amorphous silica) has strong bonding properties and typically competes with the body's ability to absorb both calcium and magnesium. If you are already using a Calcium or Magnesium supplement, we recommend taking DE and your chosen supplement about 12 hours apart for maximum absorption and effectiveness of both products mutually.
There are several other application of our product for human uses. For example, you can use our DE as a facial mud mask to exfoliate and clear away dead skin. It can also be used on an open wound to help blood clot more quickly (a coagulator), and you can also use our DE to reduce the spread of some skin conditions that are moisture related, like ringworm and other common rashes.
The truth is, more and more applications for food grade DE are being discovered on a regular basis as people learn, explore, and experiment with this new and remarkable natural product. We want to encourage our customers to use this product with confidence in its safety and effectiveness, but we also advise caution. Please visit our Disclaimer page for more details about our claims and its uses for people. We encourage you to be in contact with any comments or questions you might have, we're happy to help! See our Contact Us page to call or write to us.
**These statement have not been evaluated by Health Canada, these claims are not intended to diagnose, cure, or treat any medical condition or symptoms. We ask in any case where you require direct medical advice, please speak with a trusted physician, MD, ND or health professional.